Please see Circular 230 Disclosure at bottom of page Open for Business – Office Access Limited
Blankenship CPA Group’s operations are running. 作为一个组织,考虑到我们今天作为一个国家所面临的形势,我们决定采取一些谨慎的行动, and as a people. 在进一步通知之前,只有有限的员工才能进入我们的办公室.
Why are we doing this?
美国疾病控制中心和美国总统办公室要求,只要有可能,所有人都应该在家工作至少15天,以减缓传播. 此外,在类似的指导方针中,建议不要举行10人或10人以上的聚会. 我们在公司采用的一句话是“我们的集体健康是我们的集体责任”.“感谢你们加入我们的努力,因为我们作为一个社区和一个国家走到一起.
What are we doing?How are we restricting access to Protect our Clients and our Team?
自20年3月18日起,我们将限制员工进入办公室. Unfortunately, we cannot have any exceptions. 我们的许多客户和团队都属于高危人群. It is our commitment to you, as our client, that drives this decision. 限制进入是唯一的方法,我们确保我们不会把你置于危险之中,如果你希望与我们见面, 因为我们无法确保我们办公室以前的所有客户都是健康的. The doors will be locked. We are still serving you, and we want to meet with you virtually, talk with you on the phone, and look forward to sitting down again as soon as it is prudent to do so. 如有文件,请致电查询寄存事宜. All other email and phone communication channels are open, 我们很高兴地宣布,所有团队成员都可以参加网络视频会议. If you want to meet, ask for a link!
Is it safe to be Working Remote?
Your data continues to be secured. The firm has invested heavily in our IT infrastructure, 并拥有相关的IT管理服务提供商公司(Blankenship IT Solutions), LLC – BITS) that serves Blankenship and many of our clients. BITS leads us in designing, implementing and maintaining a state of the art system, highly secured with industry best practices, monitoring, anti-virus, redundancy, firewall and other protections. 我们非常重视客户个人身份信息(PII)的安全, and have implemented appropriate safeguards. If you ever need some help with your systems, please don’t hesitate to reach out and speak with Cayce at BITS.
Where is my Blankenship Team?
Much of our team will be working remotely. 团队成员可以选择开车去他们的办公室,接受快速的健康检查,并在有限的日子里在公司内部工作, with no more than ten people per building at any time. 我们强烈建议所有高危人群团队成员不要在办公室工作. We are strongly recommending everyone work from home whenever possible. 我们95%以上的团队都可以远程高效地工作.
Why are we “Keeping Calm and Carrying On”?
在这个充满挑战的时代,我们的部分责任是尽最大努力保持我们的经济发展! More so, we are in the client service industry. Our relationship with you is what sustains our business, and allows us to continue to serve you with our expert guides. 我们将继续提供同样的专业指导和服务,您已经习惯了从我们公司获得. 我们重视我们的关系,并致力于为您提供尽可能无缝的服务. Your CPA will be personally in touch around delivery of work product, 处理和完成任何项目,我们有幸为您服务.
How do I communicate with my CPA?
Our offices’ phone systems will continue to function. 如果某个团队成员当天在远程工作,那么电话就会转接到他们那里. 我们系统的主线和直拨功能将使您与您的注册会计师取得联系. We will continue to answer the lines with a live voice whenever possible. As always, every team member’s email is operating. If you want to meet, ask for a link! All our team members have access to web based Zoom video conferencing. We can send you an email with a link, and you can meet with your CPA, share documents through our Citrix secure portal, and get things done from the convenience of wherever on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
How long will this last?
只要我们国家最重要的当局推荐这些指导方针,我们就会继续这样做. 如果有更多限制性的建议和任务,我们会做出相应的调整. 如果我们能够放松这些程序,我们会为您和我们的团队做到这一点.
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此处包含的信息是一般性质的,并基于可能会更改的权威. Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC不保证任何信息的准确性和完整性,也不对任何错误或遗漏负责, 或他人因依赖此类信息而获得的结果. Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC没有义务通知读者税法的任何变化或其他可能影响本文所含信息的因素. This publication does not, and is not intended to, provide legal, tax or accounting advice, 读者应该向他们的税务顾问咨询有关税法适用于他们的具体情况. 公告230披露:本分析不是税务建议,也不打算或写下来供使用, and cannot be used, 以避免可能对任何纳税人施加的税务处罚. 对于就业和福利相关的行动,也请不要在没有与你的人力资源律师讨论的情况下采取行动 |